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Creation Chiropractic Blog - Eden Prairie MN

I Suffer From…

Posted: October 9, 2015
By: Vicki Fox

Written by Dr. Matthew Alvord DC, DPhCS

At Creation Chiropractic, we could make an impressive list of the many conditions that people suffer from which have improved with chiropractic care. But let’s start with some perspective of how that is even possible, especially since we don’t treat any of the conditions we have helped, many of which we weren’t even aware of!

There are three important logical facts that create the foundation for everything we do and why we do it at Creation Chiropractic:

First, the nervous system is the supreme system of the body because it controls and coordinates every single aspect of all its functions.

Second, spinal subluxations interfere with the nervous system because the spine is the connection between the brain and the rest of the body.

Third, chiropractic adjustments remove spinal subluxations, allowing the body to restore itself back to full expression and normal function.

Therefore, everything in your body is affected negatively by spinal subluxations and everything in your body is affected positively by chiropractic adjustments. You are always better off without spinal subluxations, and only a chiropractor is specifically trained to find and remove them, so you can function exactly the way you were designed.

Regardless of any specific condition you may have, the question you really need to ask yourself is, “Do I want interference to my body’s ability to manage any of my conditions?”

Many conditions go away completely with chiropractic, while some lesson and still others just have less complications without interference to the system that controls every part of every condition. There is never a downside to removing interference to your LIFE. The reality is, everyone gets spinal subluxations as part of being alive. No one can escape this dynamic. Everything has to be maintained; Your car, your computer, your body, and in particular, your spine.  When we don’t maintain our spine, interference is inevitable and so is the dysfunction that follows it. The only difference from person to person is how they subluxate and how often.

What is truly sad is that many people don’t even know to get checked for subluxations. Even worse, many people feel fine so they just assume they are fine. But how would they know unless they get checked? Can you feel your cholesterol level? How does your blood pressure feel? The only way to know about your subluxations is to get checked regularly by a chiropractor. 

Lots of people assume their problem is where their pain is, or that their pain is the problem itself. All pain is a secondary condition to a primary one. Pain is a pain, but the cause of the pain is the key to getting right. And when your pain or conditions goes away with chiropractic, there are no illusions. You feel better because you are actually better.

Symptoms often motivate but they don’t dictate what needs to be done. Other people don’t see a chiropractor with their condition because their back feels good. And yet the organs producing those conditions hang off their spine like puppeteer strings! Remember, all roads lead through the spine and your chiropractor can tell you exactly how it is working.

We like to say that you “run the risk of pain relief”, because when you begin working the way you are supposed to again, things also begin to go away that are not really you. You are not your pain, and you are not your condition. They are just things your body has had to do to survive while you were in a subluxated state. You’re better than that.

Chiropractic isn’t about pain relief, it’s about REIGN RELIEF! The power that made you and reigns over your life is just waiting for you to tap into it again, to bring your life back to its fullest! Your reigning power is on the way, just as soon as you are ready to start receiving it with your first chiropractic adjustment. That’s how big this all is. At Creation Chiropractic, you no longer need to guess because you have real hope.

Do yourself a favor.  Make an appointment today.

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