Creation Chiropractic - Eden Prairie, MN
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Creation Chiropractic Blog - Eden Prairie MN

A Lot Different and a Whole Lot Better!

Posted: February 8, 2016
By: Vicki Fox

Written by Dr. Matthew Alvord DC, DPhCS


How long will it take?

-Relief usually begins in the first few weeks.

-Everyone is different, with different goals.

-One visit or a lifetime. You are always in control.

-The longer you go, the more you benefit.


How much will it cost? 

-Care at our office is very affordable.

-Single adjustment, monthly, and annual plans.

-Consultations and exams are always FREE.

What about my insurance? 

-You don’t need insurance at Creation Chiropractic.

-Insurance doesn’t pay for true chiropractic.

-Insurance only pays to patch the problem.

-Insurance won’t pay to keep you healthy.


What happens during my appointments? 

-Visits are only a few minutes.

-Come in as much as you want or need.

-Open six days a week.

-No gowns or expensive exams, just pure chiropractic.


How will chiropractic help me?

-It gets to the cause of your problem.

-It allows your body to function properly.

-It helps you get right and stay right.

-It will help you understand your problem.

-It will help you avoid unnecessary medical care.

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