Creation Chiropractic - Eden Prairie, MN
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Creation Chiropractic Blog - Eden Prairie MN

Seniors Have Seniority

Posted: December 18, 2017
By: Written by Dr. Matthew Alvord,

     Seniors sometimes wonder whether they can participate in things that others do. They might think they are too old or frail or too far gone down a road they can’t recover from to benefit from something the rest of society does.  Chiropractic is for everyone, regardless of age or condition because everyone has a spine with their potential just waiting inside. Like other things can be modified for different ages and conditions, there are different chiropractic adjustments that can be done in different ways that can be received by everyone.

     For example, babies eat and move differently than children or adults.  They drink breast milk and crawl on the floor, which is the proper nutrition and exercise for babies!  Toddlers, teens and adults have their own unique versions of nutritional and exercise demands. This dynamic is no different for seniors.  They may not go for a run, but they could do yoga, pool aerobics or some other form of low impact exercise.  Seniors have their own nutritional requirements as well.

     Chiropractic care works for seniors the same way.  There are a number of low force techniques for people who deal with conditions such as arthritis, difficulty moving or have a hard time even getting on and off the adjusting table.  Specific chiropractic also requires only one or two areas to be addressed to adjust the entire spine and it is usually not where the pain is, making it even easier for seniors to receive care. Adjustments only take a minute or two and they can be done in a number of positions so everyone can be comfortable within their individual limitations.

     Can’t sit? No problem!  Can’t lay face down? No problem! Can’t lay down at all? No problem at all!  If you are a senior citizen, or have a family member who is, get here and we will take care of the rest. We all know that our seniors are taking more drugs with poorer outcomes than ever before. We see the printed lists of medications and plastic tackle boxes to organize them, and the lists are only getting longer and the boxes bigger. Wouldn’t it be nice to shorten that list or throw it away completely? We think so too!  Chiropractic allows everyone to be there best. Yet, our seniors have been convinced they can’t be better when in fact, their potential is just waiting inside them to be expressed.

     At Creation Chiropractic, our seniors also don’t have to be in awkward gowns or examination positions. They only need to sign in, ask any questions they might have for the day and then get a simple adjustment. Since there are no appointments after the first visit, it gets even easier. They can just look at our convenient hours offered six days a week and walk right in. Super simple for our seniors; their time, their way, their life.

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